Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Basic History/background

I fell on the ice on January 30, 2009. One quick slip, and it totally destroyed my right leg.

I had surgery Feb 12 to repair the tibia. The surgeon put in 2 screws and a metal plate. Once the bone is healed and strong again, I'm most likely going to need a knee replacement because 3 of my 4 knee ligaments are torn, and some sort of fix will need to happen.

All that said, I have felt, for the last few years, further and further from God. I hope to use this rehabilitation time not only to heal my leg, but also to learn to walk with God again, taking refuge in his comfort and Grace.

This blog will be my record of this journey - learning to walk physically again, as well as spiritually. I just shared the following with some church friends:

If you don't mind, I'd love to share a little daily devotion with you today. This is my first step back towards re-building my relationship with God.

Feeling the need for comfort, I opened randomly in the book of Psalms, and it opened to Psalm 16:
Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.
I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."

Seems like an excellent place to start, eh? I have no good things w/o God, so where else could I possibly find appropriate refuge?

I can tell you all are praying for me. Thank you for your faithfulness,


  1. Thanks for sharing with me. Good luck on your journey. You'll be in my prayers!

  2. I've been praying for you everyday - hoping for your recovery, hoping you could find answers that would help you find peace whether it be with untimely deaths, or friend's disease, or frustrations with the library and our administrators. Shhh... don't tell my wife I can pay that close attention. ;-)

    I am glad you shared this blog with Netter and I, and I look forward to following along and praying with you.
